Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Week 2, April 8 --Day 8 Online school

For those of you who did the reflection questions yesterday, I am impressed by the level of detail most of you conveyed in your answers. There was lots of good proof from the story and examples that were cited to back up your opinion. Thanks!

I also finished grading all of the projects, so you should be able to see the graded rubric and my comments in Teams. If you can't let me know.

For today, I'd just like you to read Ch. 18-19  (p. 139-151)to see what happens to Louie and Phil now that they are in the hands of the Japanese. Several of you were surprised yesterday at how nice the Japanese treated them at first, but then turned on them. It is odd....why would they try to save their lives and then later beat them? You will begin to see a pattern of duality --that of kindness and cruelty--so pay attention when it comes up in the Japanese POW camp in this part of the book. Here are some images from the camps. The prisoners look like holocaust survivors, so you know that conditions had to be terrible.

 Do something nice for someone today!
Mrs. C

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